Start a blog website can push your career to the next level

Start a blog website can push your career to the next level

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Start a Blog on your favorite topic

Today’s world has more competitive then a few years back, and if you want to push your career up. I said the next level to the career by Start a blog website means. It actually makes you independent financially. Because in the end, everyone is working for money to make themselves and family happy, this is the conclusion.

But do really people become independent after higher studies and after many years of long work experience. Are they really doing something for their own? No, in fact, they got confused about many things like Job security, professional life, promotion, attractive profile, and so-called career, etc. And they keep on working for the many organization and grow other’s business. In exchange for the service, we received the salary.

Start a blog - bloggers in laptop
Credit – Unsplash

Work for your own

Meanwhile working for the company work for yourself too. Not just multiplying company revenue. But also you should have something that you give some time every day and in a few years that will help you to take some decision. Without any pressure that could be possible by just having a website or start a blog. Apart from this if you are doing any side business with the same intention it would be great.

“Just think your resume has a website that is related to your job profile. It is nothing but like a project, you have worked on”

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Start a blog Website – How it helps you to grow

Now I feel like we should have a website when we were a student at graduation was the right time. Because a website takes 3-4 years of time to grow and to become an authority website, which needs regular activity. So when you complete graduation and post-graduation till then you would have a valuable website.

But if haven’t started yet then you must start a blog website before you start doing any job.

Well anybody can start a blog website but if you are a student or working professional then your quality of content would be impressive and useful.

Are you pursuing your graduation or PG?

You can start a blog website on your choice of subject and topic. Because you have chosen a subject to study for specialization Therefore you can have good enough knowledge about that subject. You can write a post about the topics you are studying, projects you are working on. News related to that subject, new trends, and technology about your favorite subject anything. The only thing is required the regular activity on your website.

It will take almost 1 to 1.5 years to monetize your website if you would be working regularly.

You will see when you are about to complete your study you would already be making money in dollars. And you will become an expert in running a website along with your study in your selected subject (Niche). And you will have a lot of ideas like what to do next or starting some new website for any other choice of niche and sub-niche.

 Are you in Job after your studies?

This is the time you must have a website related to any topic of your choice. So when you spent 3-4 years in any organization till then you will have grown your website and would start making money already. So you will not completely depend on your job only based on your website income. You can start a different line of the website on the main website you are running, which I call sub-niches.

People working in laptop
Credit – Unsplash

Benefits – Start a blog website

  • Increases the extra bit of useful knowledge apart from your textbook study or working in one profile the same way for the company.
  • Become an expert on a particular subject or 360 knowledge of a topic.
  • Provide and support financial backup for career and future family etc.
  • Boost  confidence to be independent
  • If you are earning you can help your family.
  • Project your knowledge and expertise in a particular field and gives you extra weight-age in your job profile.
  • Give you a path for your career in a job or start a business, also working independently.
  • It can promote the product and service related to your website niche.
  • You can also create your product or service and sell t through your website.

Start a blog proven a success path

Suggesting to start a blog because initially, you don’t have any product or services to sell or promote except your knowledge.

There are many examples today in the field of blogging people who had started a blog 5 years and 7 years back are making now the hell amount of money through their blog website and they have become the well-known person in their filed.

Ultimately everybody has some skills and they are good enough in that skills. So people that is your topic to start a blog website keep working.

Start a blog website – Topic?

Start a blog on a niche that has demand on searches or your chosen(Choice) topic about that you can write a lot of article .

  • Affiliate website to promote other’s website product (E-com website and many other)
  • Reviews website
  • Technical website
  • Photography
  • Start a blog on travel and tourism
  • Job/Consultation/Career
  • Educational site – History, Science, Hindi, Geography, Database, Computer

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Basic steps to start a blog website

Selection of niche/subject/topic

Buying domain name – You can buy it website like Godaddy

Buying hosting – There are many good hosting companies; there you can buy a hosting service as per plan.

Install WordPress

Connect your domain name to hosting site

Install a suitable theme for your website

Setup all your basics of the site like about page, contact, Privacy policy, etc.

Now you are set to share your knowledge, all the above points are the basics of starting a blog. There are a lot of things and ways to earn money through the blog website and which will give you the right direction to go ahead in your career.

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